
ALPHA 2 - 2 zones fire detection conventional panel
2 ZONES FIRE DETECTION CONVENTIONAL PANEL, max 32 detectors and/or MCP per line. Alarm/fault output relays, 1 monitored sounders line + 3 output relays and 1 programmable open collector. Alarm prealarm management. Compact panel not expandable. Needs 2 internal batteries 12V/4Ah
SR2/24 - 2ways relay
2 WAYS RELAY output module
NO-NC 30V/1A to be plugged inside ALPHA2 panel

ALPHA 4/8/12 - 12 zones fire detection conventional panel
12 ZONES FIRE DETECTION CONVENTIONAL PANEL equipped with 4 zones (max 12 zones) - max 32 detectors and/or MCP per line. Alarm/fault relays, 1 monitored sounders line, 4 programmable open collectors, 1 programmable input. Alarm prealarm/managment + Day night mode.

EX4A4ex - 4 zones expansion board
4 ZONES EXPANSION BOARD Ex VERSION to be used with explosion hasard area detectors, max 10 detectors per line, 1 or 2xEX4A4ex can be plugged in ALPHA 4/8/12 and permits to include max 10 intrisically detector zones

REP4R - 4 ways relay card
4 WAYS RELAY CARD, NO-NC 30V/1A , to be plugged inside the panel, connection by wires with programmable open collectors of ALPHA 4/8/12

R12P2 - 12 ways relay card
12 WAYS RELAY CARD, NO-NC 30V/1A, to be plugged inside ALPHA 4/8/12 panel, serial communication, permits to repeat states of the panel on 12 relays

EX8R - 8 ways relay card
8 WAYS RELAY CARD, NO-NC 30V/1A, to be plugged inside ALPHA 16/248 panel, programmable relays, permits to repeat states of the panel on 8 relays

MERLASH - Autonomous Manual Compact Evacuation Alarm Flash panel
Autonomous Manual Compact Evacuation Alarm Flash panel . Equipped with 1 FLASH and 1 SOUNDER integrated + 1 front panel button. 2 internal batteries PP3(9V) are integrated. Work only on batteries without 230Vdc. (Exists also with one or 2 external monitored MCP line)

EX4A4ex - 4 zones expansion board
4 ZONES EXPANSION BOARD Ex VERSION to be used with explosion hasard area detectors, max 10 detectors per line, 1 or 2xEX4A4ex can be plugged in ALPHA 4/8/12 and permits to include max 10 intrisically detector zones
DEAG - 1 zone extinguishing expansion board
1 ZONE EXTINGUISHING EXPANSION BOARD, to be used for management of 1 extinguishing channel. All monitored lines : Extinguishing actuators, Evacuation panels, Release button,Abord button, Low presssure contact. This board permits to convert ALPHA 4/8/12 panel in a detection-extinguishing panel

R4P2 - 4 ways relay card
4 WAYS RELAY CARD, NO-NC 30V/1A, to be plugged inside the panel, serial communication, permits to repeat states of the panel on 4 relays
R7P2 - 7 ways relay card
7 WAYS RELAY CARD, NO-NC 30V/1A, to be plugged inside the panel, serial communication, permits to repeat states of the panel on 7 relays

ALPHA 16/248 - 248 zones fire detection conventional panel
248 ZONES FIRE DETECTION CONVENTIONAL PANEL equipped with 16 zones expandable to 248 - alphanumeric display 2x16 - Mimic panel integrated for 32 zones (alarm, fault, disable, test).Max 32 detectors and/or MCP per line. Alarm/fault relays, 1 monitored sounders line + 3 output relays and 1 programmable open collector. Alarm prealarm management. Needs 2xbatteries 12V/12A
EX8Z - 8 zones expansion board
8 ZONES EXPANSION BOARD, max 32 detectors and/or MCP per line, to be plugged inside ALPHA 16/248 panel
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security systems
fire systems
surveilance cameras
alarm systems
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TR-SDI- Remote indicator panel
REMOTE INDICATOR PANEL with leds and function keys, to repeat general alarm and fault, local test leds and silence buzzer

TRI10 - 10 zones remote indicator panel
10 ZONES REMOTE INDICATOR PANEL with leds and function keys, permits to repeat fire alarm zones, local test leds and silence buzzer