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Baby robot monitor (robot surveillance)
• Keep an eye on things that matter most to you through a baby robot (robot surveillance)
• Parents can watch their baby or their loved ones 24 hours a day via Wi-Fi

Coming Soon:
Unika (touch keypad)
Unika is the new entry of AMC, 5 inch touchscreen keypad. Cool and intuitive graphic interface. You can manage all function of panel with few touch.
Dimensions: W 155, H 100, D 18 mm
video doors
intercom system price
two way intercom
front door video
security systems
fire systems
surveilance cameras
alarm systems
συστήματα συναγερμού
συστήματα παρακολούθησης
κάμερες ασφαλείας
Catalogues AMC, Auta and SD3 2021
The new catalogues of Amc, Auta and SD3 have arrived and are available with their new products.

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