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συστήματα συναγερμού

συστήματα παρακολούθησης

κάμερες ασφαλείας


(Accessories for Speech Dialler)


Voxout is a GSM dialler remote-controlled bidirectional 5-lines configurable as inputs and outputs. It has listening environment, the outputs can be managed by voice call, text messages and phone calls with CALLER ID recognition. 


The phone numbers are freely assignable to voice calls, SMS, digital protocols CONTACT ID.


- 5 terminals that can be programmed as inputs and / or outputs

- remote listening

- reset terminal calls

- 12 user codes

- 8 phone numbers can be associated with events and all the rest

- 200 telephone numbers used only for the activation of the outputs from the remote (ring and/or sms)

- 1 technical code

- 1 call reset code

- life test sending

- credit

- ID CONTACT transmission


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Security Systems Cyprus Information


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